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Report Cards & More

Report cards and more made easy

With Ace there's no paper chase at report card time. Instead, teachers simply conclude their classes in Ace, a 2-click process for each class. Then, administrators can display the report cards right in their browser. Ace will automatically gather all grades for a student, from all of their teachers, and print it on the report card automatically. You can print up to an entire grade level at a time. Report cards can also be downloaded as PDF files for archiving or email. When the term is over, a quick process activates the next term.

Streamlining your report card production frees up your staff for other tasks. Although we know how much Ace simplifies the report card process, even we were surprised to hear of one school using Ace to print all 1,000 of their student report cards in 45 minutes!

Customized to be beautiful

Ace offers several semi-customizable report card styles to meet your school's needs. Choose from layouts like bi-fold, tri-fold or simple portrait oriented designs. Chock full of advanced features like custom classes, custom grade scales, numbered and term comments, attendance, behavior, work habits and much more, we have a report card that fits your school. Even include your school's logo, or custom graphics. You can download the below report cards as printable PDF samples

Comprehensive Teacher Reports

With Ace, report cards are just the beginning. Browse through the list below and see some of the many reports we offer. Click the preview icon to view or download these teacher reports as printable PDF samples

Report Title Description Preview
Student Grades Progress report for a single subject, displays assignment grades and averages by assignment type (weighted) category. Preview Report
Grades Ordered by Student Displays ranking of students in order of overall class grade. Preview Report
Student Attendance/Conduct Displays totals and percentages for attendance, plus conduct for class-based attendance. Preview Report
Attendance Totals Running totals for all attendance marks for all students within a term. Preview Report
Comment Deficiency Reports Allows teachers to input comment for Administrator's Deficiency Report. Preview Report
Incomplete Assignments Generates report of incomplete, ungraded, excused and/or absent marked assignments for a student across all subjects. Preview Report
Annual CUM Calculates and dislplays cumulative grades for completed terms within a year. Preview Report
Class Grades Progress report for a single subject, displays assignment grades and averages by assignment type (weighted) category. (All students) Preview Report
Assignments Report Lists all assignments given in a class, including title, description, date assigned, date due, weight, curve and average class grade. Preview Report
Attendance/Conduct Cumulative Displays a term composite total and average of all attendance, plus conduct for class-based attendance. Preview Report
Attendance/Conduct by Date Displays a single day composite total and average of all attendance, plus conduct for class-based attendance. Preview Report
Attendance Sheet Detailed term length chart (up to 16 weeks) displays each day's attendance for all students in a class. Preview Report
Detailed Attendance For the time period selected, displays totals for all attendance marks, lists any non-present markings and comments by date. Also shows any perfect attendance. Preview Report
Progress Reports Snapshot of current grades, gpa, attendance, effort, comments and more for a student. Preview Report
Student Roster Report Generates complete listing of student data, including names, grade levels, parent information, contact information, birthdates, and more. Run for any or all grade levels. Optional export to Microsoft Excel. Preview Report
Staff Roster Report Generates complete listing of staff data, including email, phone, and more. Optional export to Microsoft Excel./td> Preview Report
Sports Eligibility Allows coach (student council leader, etc) to check for students who are no longer eligible for extra-curricular activity, due to insufficient GPA. Optional email alerts. Preview Report

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