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Class & Scheduling

Class Scheduling Simplicity

Take full control of your class / subject setup. Adjust units, customize grade scales to your school's values, and configure assessments, titles and report card order as you see fit. Set up once, then easily migrate these settings from term to term.

As part of our administrative training, we'll gladly assist you in the setup of your school's various subjects.

Herding cats made easy.

Ace lets you quickly sort your students by grade level, then easily add all students, or individually selected ones, into their respective subjects for each grade level. Depending on your school size and class setup, this can be done in as little as 15 minutes. Then easily print out student schedules.

Easy as ABC (or E,S,N)

Ace is flexible enough to offer individual grade scale settings for each grade level or even different subjects. Use the traditional A-F scale for middle and high school, for instance, and O,G,S,N, or 1,2,3,4 for Kindergarten. Even symbols like + or – can be entered and all of these can be displayed on the student's report card.

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