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Teacher Gradebooks

This gradebook gets an A+

Ace's gradesheet combines the look and feel of a traditional grade book with the advantages of instantly calculating final grades and displaying points, letters, or percentage grades. See at a glance the due date, relative weight and extra credit status of an assignment. Switch between all of your subjects quickly with the easy Classes menu.

Easy + Flexible + Fast. It all adds up.

Teachers can add homework, quizzes, tests, projects, extra credit and virtually any other type of assignment quickly and easily.

Set title, description, due date, category, grading style (percent, letter or points) and attach files like worksheets or a syllabus for downloading by parents or students. Plus, quickly copy an assignment to other classes, saving valuable time.

Ready, set, score.

Grade assignments for individual students or the whole class at once. Quickly mark work as Excused, Incomplete or Absent with customizable Grade Codes. Type in comments or select from your own custom list.

Speed counts, and scoring assignments in Ace takes just seconds, with no separate upload steps required. Ace allows movement between fields without leaving the keyboard. The fill-down feature lets you blast through simple scoring assignments, like when everyone gets credit.

Weighty Assignments

Ace supports weighting of assignments on a per-subject basis, using Assignment Types. So teachers can configure various categories like tests, projects and homework, to each comprise a percent of the class.

Or, simply use points to assign relative weight without setting up categories. The choice is yours.

Tag Team Teaching

Ace allows schools to give multiple teachers access to any given class. Ideal for team teaching or giving aides the ability to assist with grade entry or attendance.

This access can be granted by the administrator, and easily configured for any number of teachers in the school. High fives for flexibility!

Featured Commentary

In addition to individual assignment comments and a customizable Numbered Comment legend, Ace offers robust Term Comment abilities. These narrative style remarks can be printed on progress reports and report cards. While entering Term Comments, multiple teachers can have simultaneous access. They'll get a concurrent view of student grades and attendance in all classes, and can even compare to grades and comments from previous terms - no need to dig up old report cards.

Ace SMS 2012 all rights reserved. Developed by Softlink Technologies.