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Ace School Administration Software
The system that anyone can manage.

  • School Administration Software Made Simple.

    Ace is the Student Information System (SIS) that's easy to use. Administrators can easily store and manage student information. Multiple phone numbers, mailing and email addresses along with biographical data and more can be entered for each student. Once entered, relevant information like parent names and phone numbers are available to the teachers.

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  • Amazing Online Gradebooks

    Ace gradesheet combines the look and feel of a traditional grade book with the advantages of instantly calculating final grades and displaying points, letters, or percentage grades. See at a glance the due date, relative weight and extra credit status of an assignment. Switch between all of your subjects quickly with the easy Classes menu.

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Ace SMS Is...

  • The Student Information & School Management System that's easy
  • Teacher gradebooks that work anywhere
  • School report cards that look beautiful and print easily
  • Communication that keeps parents in touch - and students on track
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For Principles

  • Fast, flexible class scheduling
  • Staff accounts with adjustable access levels
  • Comprehensive array of informative reports like GPA & sports eligibility
  • Easy, seamless communication with parents and staff
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For Teachers

  • Intuitive, flexible gradebooks that work anywhere
  • Effortless attendance tracking
  • Report cards, progress reports and more made simple
  • One easy login for all of your classes
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Ace SMS 2012 all rights reserved. Developed by Softlink Technologies.